Monday, August 11, 2014

My New Teaching Blog

Welcome to my new teaching blog! I am so excited to share what is happening in my classroom and to collaborate with the amazing teachers out there in Blog World!

I have been teaching at a small school in South Carolina for three years. For the first three years, I taught third grade. I certainly would say that third grade is my favorite grade. The curriculum is awesome! However, this year will be my first year in fourth grade. We had a huge group last year in third grade, so I am looping with my students to fourth. I am so excited to start this year off with a bang! I will have 18 students this year (which will probably fluctuate as we are a very transient school). Please don't hate me! I know 18 students sound small, but we are a Title I school and one of the most unique in South Carolina. I am so excited for my kids to come back. We worked so hard last year and made huge strides. I can't wait to see what my kids accomplish this year!

I have been working in my classroom all week and tomorrow teachers go back for day 1. We have full day trainings for the first two days, so my room is close to being done already! We have Meet the Teacher on Friday night, too. This week I will be sharing pictures of my classroom and my set up for Meet the Teacher. When does everyone else go back? Have any amazing ideas for MtT?

Thank you for checking out my blog. Be sure to follow me and leave a comment on any post that inspires you!
