Sunday, January 11, 2015

Donors Choose

It's that time of the year again - the best time to get Donors Choose projects funded!

Donors Choose is a wonderful non-profit organization that is every teacher's best friend. If you haven't heard of it before, I highly recommend looking it up NOW! I have had 33 projects funded since I began teaching 3 1/2 years ago. Our school has brought in over $100,000 in supplies as well.

Here's the low-down on Donors Choose:
1. You set up an account for your classroom. You have to have permission slips signed by parents to allow the release of their child's picture on the website. I usually have them ready at Meet the Teacher and have parents sign them as they are filling out their sheets of information.

2. Set up your first project. Donors Choose does a point system. Each project costs at least 1 point, but as long as it is funded and you complete a thank-you package, you can get up to 3 points for each completed project. The thank-you package includes a letter from the teacher, pictures, and 6 letters from kids for each donor that requests them.

3. When starting up a project, think about what you don't want to have to buy for yourself. I have done plenty of projects on books and exponentially grew my library as a new teacher. I have also received colored paper, bean bags, regular school supplies, an iPad, science supplies, a field trip, seat sacks, ear buds, and most recently, a karaoke machine and bookcase. My first project was small-for two book sets. Since then, I have written many projects. Some get funded and some don't. Realistically though, this is the best time to post projects. I would definitely recommend a project that's $100-300, with shipping, taxes, Donors Choose donation, etc. They are more likely to get funded.

4. State your plea. Make sure you make a case as to why you need to supplies. Create a clever title, and submit your project. Donors Choose will then read/approve your project.

5. There is a match code for the first week your project is online, so share with friends and family and say a prayer! I always share my projects on Facebook and personally send a message to family. The match code for the first week will double any donation when the code is used during checkout. I have had several projects funded this way. It's amazing!

Share your DC tips and tricks below. Also, ask any questions you have! I am by far not an expert, but I have had a lot of success with this amazing organization.

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